Obtain your license JAR-CPL (A), at
a very inferior cost to what would cost
you an Integrated Course
is possible.!!!
AEROTECNO of Uruguay
in coordination with
AEROFAN of Spain
offers you that alternative.
Single-Engine / ME: Multiengine / IR: Instruments Rating /
MCC: Multi-crew Coordination / PTLA: Theoretical Title Airline
Transport Pilot.
According to
the norms JAR-FCL 1.160 and 1.165 (a)(4) (annex 1), is possible that a
Private Pilot with OACI license, having a minimum of 150 hours, can
carry out in a F.T.O. the Modular Course CPL(A), to obtain JAR
Commercial Pilot License (Airplane).
course consists of 2 phases:
Uruguay Phase:
We form you like Private
Pilot (OACI), with Instruments Rating, Simulator, Courses of Air
Picture, Low Flight, Short / Soft Field Operation, Launching of
Parachutists, a solid theoretical base, plus the hours that you want
with a minimum of 150, in a term from 5 to 6 months.
Spain Phase:
You conclude your career
in a FTO, carrying out a minimum of 75 hours, where they will prepare
you to present you to the theoretical tests, to qualify you in SE, ME,
IR, MCC, and obtain your JAR-CPL(A), in a term among 8 to 10 months.
your numbers and you will see the advantages in time and money. |
You will accumulate more hours of
flight than they will be indispensable when presenting you to a
pilots convocation in any company. |
We have packages of hours (consult
us)(contact us) for pilots already formed that they require to
increase their experience at smaller cost, or to specialize in
“tail dragger” type airplane, fundamental for fire works or
agricultural. |
The offer is valid for community
citizens of any nationality. |
AEROTECNO possesses an appropriate
infrastructure for the aeronautical formation, imparting courses
at the present time of Private Pilot, Commercial Pilot,
Instruments Flight, Multiengine and Agricultural Pilot according
to the normative OACI, having diverse airships according to the
necessities and with instructors with JAA/OACI formation and
licenses. |
The Uruguay possesses ideal
conditions for the flight, as much for its climate as for its
geography, being the surest country in Latin America, being able
to coordinate flights to the countries of the region like
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, etc., what will also provide you an
experience of unforgettable life. |
We are in charge of organizing your
lodging, medical covering, bank steps, transfers, car rental,
etc. |